Selasa, 06 Mei 2008

Me = Paul GIlbert ?? Maw Donk!

Who's Paul Gilbert??? PAUL BRANDON GILBERT lahir di Illinois Pada tgl 6 November 1966.. wew.....
dia mulai terkenal pada saat di bikin band namanya RACER X, sama MR.BIG. di tahun 1977, dia mulai ngeluarin solo album dia maen gitar, woohh gila banget, trus di taon 2007 dia ikut 3g tour bersama Joe Satriani dan John Petrucci... waaaa gila banget, coba kalo ke indo, gw pasti tonton..
ni satu lagi sejarah dia, tapi gw kopi dari wikipedia jadi bahasa inggris oey.. heheh
Born in Carbondale, Illinois, into a middle class family, Paul started playing guitar at the age of 6, but soon gave up, becoming frustrated with just learning simple nursery rhymes. Around age 9, he took up the guitar again, but with a skewed memory of the technique. He "played only with upstrokes, used only the low 'E' string and only used [his] middle finger on the fretboard." Frustrated after trying to play the intro to "Barracuda" by Heart, he took lessons and his teacher explained the error of his ways. His technique corrected, Gilbert continued practicing and by the age of 14 he developed a local band in Greensburg, PA named Missing Lynx. They played together for approximately two years and wrote their own material. After Missing Lynx he then went on to join another local band called Tau Zero, but left shortly after, and headed for California. He was spotlighted in Guitar Player Magazine alongside fellow up-and-comer Yngwie Malmsteen.

Well, sekarang gw lagi latihan terus main gitar AMPE tingkat paul gilbert, makanya gw latihan terus menerus bodo amat ampe tangan gw berdarah...